Today is World Book Day, so here’s a list of some fictional homes as everyone needs to have a roof over their heads.
4 Privet Drive. This suburban home in Little Whinging, Surrey, is your classic “well presented three-bedroom modern residence”. But take a closer look, and you’ll find a young wizard called Harry Potter sleeping in a tiny cupboard under the stairs.
Satis House. Although it’s grand in scale, Satis House is best described as “in need of modernisation”. The clocks have all stopped in this decaying mansion which is home to batty spinster Miss Havisham and her adopted daughter Estella in Great Expectations.
221B Baker Street. The home of super sleuth Sherlock Holmes consists of “a couple of comfortable bed-rooms and a single large airy sitting-room, cheerfully furnished, and illuminated by two broad windows”.
Bag End. Located in Hobbiton, this one-storey residence (home to Bilbo Baggins and later, Frodo) is built into a hill and surprisingly cosy. Despite its discreet exterior, it has bedrooms, bathrooms, several pantries, and even a cellar. Ideal for those looking for a low carbon lifestyle.
If you’re looking for a change of scenery, whether it’s to upgrade, downsize or relocate, get in touch with us here at Martin & Co. Whatever your story, we can help you with the next chapter.